My Night Time Routine for Law School/University

My Night Time Routine for Law School/University

Sunday is for watching Youtube videos. Or, so I would like, haha! A while ago I filmed a morning routine and because you all really liked it, I decided to film a night time routine for Law School as well. Personally, I love watching these types of videos: they give a lil’ peek in somebody’s daily routine, which can be very helpful. I have a couple of lil’ tricks I like to do to work more efficiently that I also shared in this video. So yeah, definitely check my newest video out if you’re interested in seeing one of my typical evenings!


By the way, if you’re also interested in checking out my morning routine for Law School/University, you can check out this blogpost. Also, if you like my videos, I would love it if you’d subscribed to my Youtube channel here. At the moment I’m packing my suitcase for my trip to NYC & Washington DC. I’m leaving my humble abode in Groningen tomorrow and flying to NYC on Tuesday morning. I’m so nervous and excited at the same time. I’m a bit worried I will fuck up my uni schedule, but on the other hand – NEW FUCKING YORK. I’m just going to work extra hard when I come back. By the way, if you have any tips for me when it comes to hotspots in NY, let me know!


xo Lilia



  1. April 24, 2016 / 15:57

    Super leuke video weer! Ik blijf het inspirerend vinden waar je je motivatie vandaan haalt. Zelf ben ik ‘s avonds meestal te moe om nog iets te doen of te werken. Maar de laatste tijd ga ik toch wat meer aan mijn bureau zitten om te werken ‘s avonds. Ik denk dat ik het begin over te nemen van je, thanks!

    • Lilia
      May 10, 2016 / 02:20

      Glad to hear! Aan je bureau zitten helpt idd goed en je telefoon op stil zetten ook! Succes! xo

    • Lilia
      May 10, 2016 / 02:20

      Thanks! xo

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