Although I love a good lazy Sunday, most of the time I’m not able to afford one – study wise. I would love to do nothing the whole weekend, but unfortunately I usually have to do a lot. But you know how it goes: you have a plan for a day and suddenly it’s 4pm and you’ve achieved literally nothing. Yeah, that sounds just way too familar, doesn’t it? Well, in this blogpost I’m going to help you guys. I will be giving all of my tips for a productive for a Sunday. So after reading this blogpost, you don’t have to worry anymore about being lazy and doing nothing, despite the fact you’re actually busy as fuck, haha.
Having a productive (Sun)day doesn’t only mean mentally, but also physically! If you’re a person that’s way to busy during the weekdays to be working out, try to do some fitness in the weekends. I don’t really like going to the gym (I actually hate it, feels so awkward), so I like to work out at home. I usually do a Kayla BBG workout or some yoga. My workout clothing + mat are from Primark by the way.
And don’t forget to hydrate! This is something I really need to work on personally. I need to drink way more water than I do now, but I do have a lil’ tip that’s working for me: make sure to always have a cute bottle filled with water. I don’t know why, but if I put a glass bottle next to me on my desk or something, I drink a lot more. Especially if I put some lemons in it. I love fruit infused water, because it gives the boring water a slight taste and it has a lot of great benefits for your body too! I’m personally in love with the bottles from My Equa. I have this very cool minimal design glass bottle and a plastic bottle, perfect for working out or taking with me to my dance class. They have a lot of different designs and sizes, so you’ll find something you like. They’re well-made, very sturdy and just super chic, so I definitely recommend them!
After working out, it’s time to do some studying. What always works for me is to make myself feel very comfortable before I’m going to no life study. Throw on a big sweater, go to your favourite spot in your room, make something nice to drink (adore this cup by the way, it’s sooo me!) and grab all of your study books. If I feel comfy, I can concentrate better and I don’t find the studying part so awful, haha. Try to set some goals you want to achieve that day and stick to them. Sunday is the perfect day to read for the upcoming week in advance too. Just don’t overload yourself: make sure your schedule is always realistic (need to work on that too…).
Time for some food! I always like to take a lil’ bit more time and effort when it comes to preparing my food on Sunday. It’s so important though, if I take the time to make good and healthy meals, I feel way more energized the whole day. I personally love making salads, because they’re yummy things and really good for you. I made this salad with rocket, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, feta cheese and a lot of Greek herbs like oregano. I love feta cheese, because it contains a lot of good fat (instead of the bad fat you don’t want) and it doesn’t make me nauseous (I’m a bit lactose intolerant). If you don’t like feta, you can do this with mozzarella too! Oh and of course, I had to get some Fall Starbucks <3.
After working out, studying and eating, it’s time to do some blogging. I always make a planning of all the blogposts I want to post upcoming week. This way I know what I can expect that week. After I decided this, I start making pictures. I usually take all of my flatlay/review pictures on Sunday and my OOTD pictures during the week itself. After photographing all of the new products I want to talk about that week, it’s time to post one or two of them on my social media (I like to update you guys asap!) and transfer all of the photos to my computer. I usually sort them out immediately and start editing them with Photoshop. And then it’s time to write the blogpost! I always try to write my blogposts in advance for the whole week, but I never succeed. I just put a lot of time in a blogpost, so that’s why I usually have to write a blogpost for the next day. Need to work on this though!
I hope you enjoyed reading this blogpost. The choice is now up to you: will you make this Sunday a lazy or a productive one? I’m definitely going to try to be really productive today, because I have a loooot to do. Also, don’t forget to tune it at 3 PM today, because I have an extra blogpost for you, whoop whoop! By the way, thank you all for entering my Sacha shoes giveaway! The winner is… *drumroll drumroll* Roxanne! Congratulations, I’m sending you an email with all the details asap. And for all the other participants: don’t be bummed, ’cause there’s a new giveaway coming up very soon too!
xo Lilia
Op zondag ben ik altijd productief bezig! De laatste tijd vooral met school, omdat ik zoveel toetsen opkrijg 🙁
Gelukkig is het over 2 weken herfstvakantie 😀
Leuk artikel en ik vind die bottles echt heel erg leuk!
Liefs Esmee
esmee | lifebyesmee recently posted…Outfit | It is called grey with a touch of yellow
Hele leuke post! Ik wil om zondag ook liever lekker niks doen! Helaas moet er altijd veel gebeuren! Misschien ga ik ook aan Yoga doen in het weekend! Lijkt mij fijn en rustgevend!
thebeautyblognl recently posted…TAG | Meet my pet
Heerlijke foto’s en lekker ontspannen!
XOXO esmee
Esmee recently posted…Catrice All Matt Plus Shine Control Make Up & de Camouflage Cream
Wat een mooie foto’s en een zondag is voor mij.. Koffie in bed en heel de dag in een heerlijke joggingbroek rondlopen! 😛
Gina recently posted…Smoothie baby! ♥
Ook chill toch! xo
wat een toffe foto’s! Op zondag probeer ik altijd wat uit te rusten, maar stil zitten is voor mij niet weggelegd.
Dus Zondag is meestal wel een productieve dag!
Liefs Iep xo
Iep recently posted…Wegdromen •
Ik hou echt van jouw “bitch” mok!
Zondag is voor mij echt een relax dag 🙂 Vaak begin ik in de avond wel weer wat te werken, maar uitslapen is sowieso een must 😉
Laura – Dagelijkse hap recently posted…Fijne dierendag!
Het scheelt enorm dat ik niet meer studeer, maar nu heb ik kids, waardoor een lazy sunday niet vaak voorkomt, haha. Wel proberen we er gewoon een gezellige, rustige dag van te maken (knutselen, creatief bezig zijn of iets bakken) zodat de kids weer op kunnen laden als ze weer naar school moeten :). Wel hele fijne tips die je geeft!
Liset – Beautydagboek recently posted…How-to | 3 Manieren om je gezicht te ontharen
Ook leuk! xo
Leuk artikel!! Ik heb vandaag ook een productieve zondag! Maar ik zeg zeker geen nee tegen een lazy sunday!
Liefs, Celine
Celine recently posted…MUSTHAVE: Sunday Essentials
Super leuke deze post! Zo ziet mijn zondag er ook ongeveer uit 🙂
Neeltje | Thoughts in Style recently posted…All At Once, Summer Collapsed Into Fall | Outfit
It is Sunday evening for me right now (as in 10.30pm and i’m heading to sleep). I so wish I had this post this morning. It is so inspiring and I feel like I want to be so productive now. Sundays are usually the day I clean my room and bathroom (since I live at home still) and do a bit of uni work but today was literally editing a 3000 word essay and I am exhausted now.
Next Sunday, this will be me.
Charlotte recently posted…Curly Hair Diaries: Introduction
Hele leuke post 🙂 zo ziet eigenlijk m’n schema er heel de tijd uit, gewoon goed plannen. De enige dag ben ik weer wat beter bezig dan de andere maar over het algemeen lukt het wel vrij goed!
Naomi recently posted…Guide to one day in Los Angeles
Love this post, im currently sitting here at mid-day on a sunday and all ive done is a mini pamper and read some blogs, these tips will come in really handy for next time!
Dana || Fashion Dew
Dana recently posted…First Week – 30.0.15
Wat een leuke foto’s allemaal! Ik kies vandaag voor het ultieme luie dagje, want ik ben vannacht tot erg laat uit geweest, dus moet weer even wat energie sparen, haha!
Fleur Sophia recently posted…VIDEO – Berlijn vlog deel 2
Love your pics! And especially the marble cover on your Mac!
Vandana recently posted…Quick Laser Hair Removal Facts
ik ben meestal heel erg moe op zondag of ik moet werken, maar meestal als ik nergens zin in heb kijk ik serie e doei k het liefst helemaal niks maar ik moet toch altijd het huis ut voor de boodschappen!
alexa recently posted…Nadelen van er jonger uit zien