PERSONAL | 10 Things I’ve Never Shared About Me

PERSONAL | 10 Things I've Never Shared About MeI’ve always thought of my blog as my personal online diary. For me, it still feels like the things that I write here are only read by a couple of strangers somewhere in the world – but that’s it. Lately I’ve been realizing that a lot of people that I know, or only kinda know, are reading my blog on a daily basis too. And although this made me feel a bit weird at some point – people coming up to me and knowing all sorts of things about me, despite the fact I’ve never talked to them before – I still want to keep this blog as personal as can be. My blog will always be my own little cyber space and even if millions of people are going to read it, I’m still going to do me (not that I think that something like that will ever happen, but hey, a girl can dream!) Anyways, I thought it would be nice to share some real personal info with you guys. These are 10 things I’ve never shared about me before!


PERSONAL | 10 Things I've Never Shared About Me1. I have favourite words. I can really enjoy it when me or someone else uses uncommon, archaic words in a normal conversation. For example, I love the words ‘apocalyps’, ‘atrabilious’ and ‘paradox’.

2. Speaking of a paradox: if somebody would ask me to describe myself in one word, I would without a doubt say paradox. I feel like my whole life is paradoxal and my biggest struggle in life is trying to make clashing things work together. I’ve always liked being on opposite sides at the same time.

3. I own way too many pairs of black booties (1o…).

4. I’m not a religious person, but I am very spiritual. I’m especially interested in Buddhism.

5. I really want to get a pug and a cat. They both have to be best friends, black and very fat. I’m probably going to call the something like Lucifer and Satan, LOL. Okay I have very weird humor, I know haha.

6. The decisions I make are usually 50% based on my thoughts/mind and 50% on my intuition.

7. I’m a sucker for horoscopes. I check my horoscope everyday and more often than not it’s right about everything too!

8. I’m actually not half Dutch, half Russian, but a mix of Russian, Polish, Belarus and Portuguese.

9. I hate cooking, especially for other people. I always get very nervous, because I’m worried people won’t like it.

10.Β  I feel like a lot of people have a wrong image of me. I make a very different first impression than how I really am. After people get to know me, I often hear that they had to change their first opinion about me completely!


PERSONAL | 10 Things I've Never Shared About MeI hope you enjoyed reading a blogpost that’s a bit more personal. I hope you’re having a good day and I will talk to you later!

What’s a random fact about you that you usually don’t share with people?

xo Lilia



  1. December 15, 2015 / 09:06

    Superleuke feitjes! Nummer 5, hahaha! En ik denk soms ook dat mensen een verkeerde indruk van mij hebben als ze me voor het eerst zien. Ik denk dat ik soms minder aardig en oppervlakkiger lijk dan ik eigenlijk ben haha. πŸ˜€

    • Lilia
      December 24, 2015 / 21:46

      haha same! xo

  2. December 15, 2015 / 09:16

    Ik kan me heel erg vinden in jouw nummer 4, religie. Ik ben ook absoluut niet religieus, maar spiritueel juist wel heel erg!
    Leuk dat je deze weetjes deelt πŸ™‚
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  3. December 15, 2015 / 09:37

    Ah dat laatste ben ik het helemaal niet met je eens maar dat komt omdat mensen vaak al een oordeel over je hebben VOOR ze je zelfs ontmoeten. Ik vond je juist heel vrolijk, behulpzaam, enthousiast en grappig en dat vind ik nu nog steeds <3
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    • Lilia
      December 24, 2015 / 21:46

      aw love you grilie <3

  4. December 15, 2015 / 09:56

    Nice post πŸ™‚ Very interesting nationality mix, thanks for sharing more personal things about you πŸ™‚
    I’m not really a religious person either, I don’t read my horoscope like ever, but I would love to try yoga and I have a huge attraction towards the kind of spirituality you mentioned. Might just be the thing I’m missing right now in life.

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    • Lilia
      December 24, 2015 / 21:47

      thank you! lately i’ve been feeling the same about the spirituality part too, that’s why i’m thinking about it more than usual now πŸ™‚ xo

  5. December 15, 2015 / 11:18

    hahaha ik haat koken ook en leuke feitjes!
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    • Lilia
      December 24, 2015 / 21:48

      aaw zo lief van je babe <333

  6. December 15, 2015 / 13:33

    Leuk lijstje! Heel herkenbaar ook haha. Zeker de laatste! En wat een leuke, aparte mix afkomsten heb je, vind ik leuk! xo

    • Lilia
      December 24, 2015 / 21:48

      Dankjewel! <3

  7. December 15, 2015 / 14:14

    Ahw, wat leuk om wat persoonlijke dingen over je te lezen! Ik heb ook echt een zwak voor zwarte laarsjes, haha!
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  8. December 15, 2015 / 14:57

    Leuk om wat persoonlijke dingen over je te lezen! Sommige dingen zijn voor mij ook zo herkenbaar! De zwarte laarsjes, horoscopen, een mix van verschillende landen.. leuk!

  9. December 15, 2015 / 20:22

    Heel leuk dat je wat persoonlijke dingen deelt met ons! Ik herken je liefde voor bijzondere woorden zo erg. Stiekem geniet ik daar altijd wel van.

  10. December 15, 2015 / 23:38

    Leuk om te lezen!! πŸ™‚

  11. December 16, 2015 / 09:47

    Leuk lijstje, erg leuk om te lezen!! En je outfit vind ik ook super gaaf!

  12. December 16, 2015 / 13:39

    Een leuk artikel dit! Een kat heb ik al, een pug zou ik nog erg graag willen! Zo schattig zijn die πŸ™‚
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  13. December 17, 2015 / 17:50

    I am also nervous that other people won’t like the food I am making for them. I prefer cooking for myself only and I love being alone in the kitchen..but that is like never until I will have my own apartment πŸ™‚

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